And I did this 3


I’m Mouse.

I want to show you my threads… or rather,  my yarns.  This outfit was handmade for me this year.

From September08

The inside of my jacket is not lined… I thought it should be lined but the designer couldn’t be swayed.

From September08
From September08

Raglan detailing with shoulder button closure.

From September08

The back looks as good as the front.

From September08

Take a closer look at these buttons! Cute!

From September08

Thanks for dropping by… take care!

From September08

I’m back

I am so happy to be home. Vacation is exhausting… especially with a 5yo in tow. I am wiped out! But we had a great time visiting snow while we were there.

One very happy 5yo:

I took this picture of BC several hours after the snow started falling. The day before rain had melted all the snow. By the time the storm was over, the courtyard here was about 6 inches deep in snow with more falling. That may not be much for you all that live in snowy areas but it was plenty for one very happy little boy from Florida.

I had plenty of time for a vacation sock:

One sock… I finished the toe at home. As you can see, the second sock is on the way… can I avoid second sock syndrome?  If I do, I’ll show it to you a modeled picture.

There was one very major mishap on the road. Fortunately, I had my medical supplies handy.

Lamb suffered a rear leg blow out. BC handed him to me and told me I could fix it. Such confidence! I had no sewing supplies with me and yarn was not going to do the job. Lamb got a bandaid. I was completely surprised that the bandaid worked!  It is still working.
Lamb is a trooper.

Lambkin notes

I didn’t say much about making Lamb when I posted his/her (a little of both according to BC) pictures… too busy being lazy, I think.  The pattern is easy peasy with some caveats.  If you use flannel (or another loose weave fabric), you might want to apply interfacing on the backside.  Lamb’s stitches are pulling out in the most embarrassing places.  Also, if you are hand stitching, make it worth your while and use small, back stitches (or something similar).  Oh, and mark your seam allowance… trust me.  Learn from my exploits or you too will have a misshapen lambkin that is pulling seams and tearing its weave open.  Despite her idiosyncrasies, Lamb is much-loved.

No bags today

flower fabric

Another bag, waiting to be created.

I have come to the conclusion that I cannot multi-task.

Research indicates that nobody actually does anything at the same time but we all sure do give it a good try. And some people can juggle tasks like nobody’s business… not me though. Bad things happen when I try.

I was trying to eat an apple and read a blog at the same time. I bit my lip.

I gave up gum in favor of walking.

I cannot knit and watch tv at the same time. I try but I always end up looking at the knitting instead of the tv. Or I have to rip out to the latest mistake. When my favorite programs come on, I lay my work aside. Detectives Eames and Goren deserve my full attention.

I know you aren’t going to believe me *wink* but I have yet another project on the needles. It’s a strip of stockinette at this point, I didn’t take a picture. At the end of the project, I hope to have a tank top that I can wear. And not rip out. Heh.  I saw a picture of an actress (who knows who, I was flipping through IMDB randomly) wearing a sweater I really liked. I’m going to try to replicate the details in this knit.  And when I wear it, I will pretend I’m a beautiful, size 0 actress lounging on the beach with my lover.

Back to reality:  I got news today that the potato-head, derriere-faced, goiter-girl doll is a hit. The little girl I gave her too has been very busy undressing and redressing her. Yay! And she named her Annika. So cute!  And now we don’t have to call her “the potato-head, derriere-faced, goiter-girl doll” anymore.  (Okay, just once or twice more because you all made me laugh out loud.)

It’s Wednesday!

Yes, I took Monday off. It was President’s day and there was a sale that I had to attend.

I’ve been working on an old project. In 2 days, I managed to embroider 2 brown eyes and one pink mouth… the speed of my craft frightens me.

doll head

Yes, it is a misshapen head with no body or hair. And what you can’t see in this picture is that I’m throttling what neck the doll has… yeah, that felt good after being woken up by my 4yo’s tantrum this morning. A tantrum that I couldn’t roll over and ignore since BC had climbed into my bed to give me the full impact. Nothing was really wrong with him except for a serious case of sleep deprivation. You would think that he would sleep when he was tired but you would be wrong… he started life as a nonsleeper. I’m afraid that is a pattern that is not going to change. The situation could have been improved if MC had made some coffee for me before he escaped into the shower, or let the dog out, or warned me of the impending tantrum, or shot me with a “said a give“.

By the way, BC is happily playing with his trains now. Maybe the fates will quit toying with me today and he will take a nap this afternoon. It could happen!*

*aka perpetually misplaced optimism